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博客來-Hospitality Financial Management博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010437910
Real-world advice for quick retention of the most important business concepts and skills of hospitality finance
Hospitality Financial Management provides a straightforward, practical approach to help the hospitality manager effectively analyze hospitality industry management reports and financial statements; prepare accurate business forecasts, strategic pricing models, and effective cost-control systems; manage working capital; develop and finance growth strategies; perform investment analysis; prepare investment packages; negotiate and structure business deals; and ultimately increase shareholder value and personal wealth.
This comprehensive how-to book includes:
Feature Stories—brief histories of famous hospitality leaders highlighting how they have used financial management skills to attain success for their companies and significant financial rewards for themselves
Learning Outcomes—a summary of key topics covered in each chapter
Finance in Action—scenarios that apply the concepts, skills, and techniques presented in the chapter to real-world situations. A step-by-step solution is provided for each problem to walk the reader through the necessary financial calculations
The Real Deal—boxed inserts that emphasize the relevance of the book by linking financial concepts to fun facts associated with situations students either have or will encounter in their everyday lives
Concept Checks—case studies that reinforce the materials presented and enable students to practice their analytic and problem-solving skills
Hospitality Financial Management is the perfect book for undergraduate and graduate hospitality management students, hospitality industry managers, and owners of small hospitality businesses.
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